Thursday, May 4, 2017

Fill In As Needed

My bosses have found a solution to the not-enough-work problem: data entry! Yesterday my manager handed me a stack of mixing records that need to be put into a spreadsheet. Luckily, this is the kind of tedious, repetitive task that I love, so it's an excellent fit for me.

Unfortunately, they also announced that one of my coworkers has given notice, and I'll be taking over some of his duties, which include washing out our mixing buckets... my least favorite thing. But hey, it's work. My job description does include "fill in as needed," so I have to accept working outside my comfort zone a little.


  1. are you still doing this?
    I hope they found a replacement and don't just expect you to carry on, especially since you don't like the chre.

    1. I haven't asked about a replacement yet -- I don't want it to sound like I'm complaining about the task. However, I've taken over more of my former coworker's duties, including inventory management, which takes a few hours a week, and washing mixing buckets gets pushed down the priority list as I get busier. If it becomes necessary for me to bring it to their attention, I'll do that, but I think they'll see the need for another pair of hands soon enough.

  2. I am sure you can do inventory management with your eyes closed!
    You will soon be able to run the place for them!
    Hmm - that means stress, what I think you don't need or want!
    I volunteer at the museum library. I make it very clear I have no desire to run the place when the current librarian retires! I am careful and professional but I want to leave it behind when I go home.

    1. I collect data and move bins around, both of which I'm good at. I don't make decisions beyond that, which, I hope, will keep me right where I want to be.
