Where I'm living right now is the most urban place I've ever lived in. I can cope with most of the downsides, but this week has been especially trying. Turns out this is a terrible place to live if you don't do well around fireworks.
There are about ten town centers within ten miles of here. Each one of them does their own fireworks display for Independence Day, and they don't all do them on the same night. So evenings this week have been loud and anxiety-ridden, and sleep has been hard to come by. If it were just the municipal fireworks, I might be okay, because they generally wrap up by 10:30pm, which means I have a chance of falling asleep by midnight... but then the neighbors get started, and there's no point calling the cops because they won't arrive before the neighbors pack up for the night. One neighbor was up 'til 1:30am setting off fireworks Wednesday night, which meant I got no sleep at all.
You'd think with all the veterans' groups spreading the word about PTSD and the animal shelters talking about noise-sensitive pets, that people would get the message and stop using the extra-loud kind of fireworks... but no, this is 'Murica, land of over-the-top everything.
I miss Vermont.